- Bluestacks for PC offline installer is an Android emulator app that can be installed offline on a computer/notebook. As we know that Bluestacks is one of the most popular Android emulators that exist on the Internet.
- The files are unpacked and the process of configuration and installation runs automatically. Just choose the path of the app, tick any additional items if needed and wait a couple of minutes! To download Bluestacks 1 version go to the bottom of this page and start using an app in minutes. Bluestacks App Player 1 can be superb helpful in such cases.
Bluestacks is an android Operation system emulator. Bluestacks installed a whole android OS on your PC – Windows 7, 8.1, 10 & Mac. You can run any android smartphone apps through Bluestacks. It available for PC from October 11, 2011, which was officially launched in Apr. 13, 2014, in 2011 at beta stage Offline installer size approx 102Mb but now Bluestacks offline installer size is approx 500MB+ available for download. Now it achieved a huge success.
Download Bluestacks PRO offline Installer file for your Windows PC from the above link. Once the download completes, double click on the MSI file to install Bluestacks in your Windows PC. The installation procedure will start. Follow the on-screen instructions.
When you want to download Blustacks from the official site, they provide us a split installer setup, which is approx 12Mb. You can’t install it without the internet connection. But you can install it with offline installer. Some People don’t know about Full Version Offline Installer, here is a complete guide on how to download/install Bluestacks offline installer Windows 7, 8.1, 10 & Mac PC.
Download BlueStacks for Windows 7, 8.1, 10 & Mac PC from official Site?
Bluestacks is an Android emulator which means that it can virtually run Android OS & applications on Windows and Mac PC. It runs all apps that available for download in official Google Play store.
It is useful for a pc user, you can play all the Android mobile apps on your windows and Mac for free. You can download all apps from Google play store & mobile app store that include in Bluestacks App Player.
Download the Latest Bluestacks offline installer for Windows & Mac
Click on the download button to download Bluestacks for Windows XP, Vista, 7(seven), 8, 8.1, 10:-
Get 32 Bit Version
Get 64 Bit Version
How to Stop Unwanted Games Download Automatically in Bluestacks
Download Subway Surfers For PC
How to Install Bluestacks on PC (Windows)?
Once downloading finishes, you can follow the simple instructions as follows –
![Bluestacks 1 offline installer windows 7 Bluestacks 1 offline installer windows 7](https://downloadnox.website/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Unftitled-1-e1486567383906.jpg)
- 1- Open the Download Folder and Double click or open BlueStacks-Installer file, Installation started automatically, If you want to install Bluestacks in default directory then click on the Install now button. If you want to change installation directory then click on the Customize installation link, which is available at bottom right of the setup screen.
- 2- If you click on the Customize Installation link then you can change BlueStacks data path by choosing a different folder or drive. After changing installation path, click on the Install now link which will be available at bottom right section of the setup screen.
- 3- Now installation will be started and you will have to wait for few seconds or minutes (depends on the hardware).
- 4- Once installation finishes, you can click on the Launch button to immediately start the Bluestacks Android Emulator.
![Installer Installer](https://www.techntrack.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/maxresdefault.jpg)
Also See:
Now you can start using Bluestacks on your PC and download all games like Subway surfers or Temple run from Google play store.
There are times when watching movies on a small screen of our smartphones or playing games on smartphones is not enough to tickle our entertainment bones. Also, it becomes a dilemma when that particular game or application is made for Android solely and you can’t enjoy the same on your computer or can you? Yes, you can. Thus, you must know about the Bluestacks 2 Offline Installer.
Today, we are gonna show you an amazing Android emulator, namely, Bluestacks 2 which is not only at the top of its game but is feature packed enough to give most of the flagships a run for their money.
- 1 What is Bluestacks 2?
- 2 What is Bluestacks 2 Offline Installer?
- 2.2 System Requirements to Run Bluestacks 2
What is Bluestacks 2?
Bluestacks 2 is an Android emulator for your PC devices that enables the user to run .apk files or Android file packages on their PC.
In layman terms, it is a software which lets you play Android games and applications on your PC.
Top Features of Bluestacks 2
Bluestack 2 has become more interesting with your devices turning into touchscreens. Even the PC’s nowadays come with a feature of touchscreen which makes it even more easier to use a mobile interface on PC. Bluestack 2 has not made the ads vanish but instead have adapted a way to bring gameplay and app discovery together, when a user clicks a ad a new window pops up, so that the user is free from game interruption. You can refer the following section for more bluestack 2 features.
Here are some of the features of this behemoth:
- Authentic replacement for your smartphone.
- Exceptional processing speed – runs smooth.
- Complete Android experience.
- Large database of latest apps, games, songs, movies etc.
- Cloud Connect lets you sync your smartphone and Bluestacks 2.
- Allows you to play Android games including Temple Run, Clash of Clans and more on PC.
- Allows you to install WhatsApp on PC and tweet on Twitter from PC.
- You can run almost all the Android games and apps on Windows and Mac.
- Comes with Google Play Store and Amazon App Store pre-installed.
- Newly released multi-tab option to open multiple applications simultaneously.
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What is Bluestacks 2 Offline Installer?
Bluestacks 2 offline installer is an installation package for Bluestacks 2 which directly installs the software on your PC. The difference between Bluestacks 2 installer and Bluestacks 2 offline installer is that during normal installation, only the application module will be installed in the PC and the data has to be downloaded separately using internet data.
However, using Bluestacks 2 offline installer, you can download and install the whole software in one go without the need of Internet. Yep, you heard it right. Once you download the bluestacks for windows 10, you don’t need internet access for further installation.
This is a full offline bluestacks download for Windows 7 and does not require an internet connection for installation. Here is the list of advantages Bluestacks 2 offline installer has over the normal installation method:
- Quick installation without errors.
- Can distribute the package to other PCs.
- Saves time as the installation is done only once.
- No internet connection required to install.
- Efficient and powerful.
Package Details
There are quite a few fake Bluestacks offline installer on the internet these days. Due to the popularity of this software, many hackers target this application to inject Malware into it. Thus, it is important to know the technical details about the installer package for reference.
- Program Name: Bluestacks 2 Offline Installer
- Name: BlueStacks-Installer_BS2_native.exe
- Type: .exe (executable module)
- Size: 268 MB
- Supported Architecture: 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64)
- Supported OS: Windows ( 7/8/8.1/10) and Mac OS X (coming soon).
- Developers: Bluestacks
- License: Freeware
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System Requirements to Run Bluestacks 2
![Offline Offline](https://trickswithus.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Bluestacks-Offline-Installer.jpg)
Windows OS
- Administrator Access.
- RAM: Minimum 2GB RAM.
- Hard Disk Space: At least 4GB of Free HDD.
- Drivers: Direct X 9.0 or higher installed on your system.
- Graphics Card: Intel HD or Above.
- Your PC must have .NET Framework 3.5 SP3 or higher.
Bluestacks 1 Offline Installer Windows 7
Mac OS
- Administrator.
- Mac OS X Mavericks or Yosemite or above.
- At least 4 GB of RAM.
- 2 GB of free disk space.
How to Download Bluestacks 2 Offline Installer for Windows (10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista)
You can download the authentic installer from here. Simply run the installer as administrator, and follow the steps in it.
Bluestacks Beta 1 Offline Installer
Final words
Voila! Now you can easily play all of your favorite Android games with bluestacks for pc without missing a beat. Since cloud storage lets you sync your PC and your Smartphone, you can be sure that your progress in your games will be saved at all the times. We hope it helped!
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